This was one of my Kickstarter-backed projects, it is a set of modules that link to a Raspberry Pi. The Mega Chest kit arrived a few weeks ago, and I have not yet had time to pay with it yet.
The kit contains the following:-
The dock plugs into your Raspberry Pi with a standard USB cable and
provides eight(8) plug & play ports for connecting your flotilla modules.
You can connect to these modules
Touch sensitive pads
Rainbow strip of full-colour LED's
Two motors
Temperature/ Barometer sensor
LED matrix of cells
Numeric LED display
Light sensitive sensors
Motion sensors
Joystick control
Slider control
Potentiometer control
The kit also includes hardware to construct a line following robot + much more
I am really looking forward to using this kit with my grandson.
Before I even start to use it, this one of the most professionally produce kits I have ever received.
More information on their website - here
Follow me as I play with the kit.
Here are some images from the product
flotilla project treasure chest
flotilla chest open
modules from the chest